Hello all My Name is Christie Bryant (ArwennEvenstarUndomiel on Second life)I have been blogging for 14 Years now.I got started as just a fun way to spend time and show off the gorgeous items from various Gacha events.I Began My Second Life as a Designer and Still am but I quickly became discouraged and a dear friend of mine suggested I begin Blogging.And it has become a new love of mine.I am very thankful for my friend's advice and encouragement.
Del-ka Aedilis ~ The Roman Bakery Gacha @ Mainstore
14 common items:
Nr. 2: Leaning Shovels 1LI
Nr. 3: Bread Board 2LI
Nr. 4: Bread Basekt 2LI
Nr. 5: Baking Ingredients 1LI
Nr. 6: Worktable 3LI
Nr. 7: Panis Quadratus Group 1LI
Nr. 8 Panis Quadratus Stack 2LI
Nr. 9: Libum Group 1LI
Nr. 10: Libum Stack 2LI
Nr. 11: Panis Aromaticus Group 1LI
Nr. 12: Panis Aromaticus Stack 2LI
Nr. 13 Market Cart 6LI
Nr. 14: Shop Counter 1LI
Nr. 15: Spice Rack 3LI
Libum is a very ancient Roman version of something like a cheesecake. A recipe is given in Cato's "De Agri Cultura" as an offering to the gods. You can also offer it to your Saturnalia guests.
Panis Quadratus:
Simple bread that has been represented in the archaeological records at Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Panis Aromaticus:
Spiced roman bread, after a recipe of Plinius, containing cumin, fennel, anise and coriander, baked on laurel leaves.
Most of the items are mod and trans, only the market cart and the bread basket art not modify and have a resizer script instead. Worktable is neither mod nor resizable because of the working animation in it.
1 RARE item:
Nr1. Oven 3LI
Fire of the oven can be turned off per klick
Oven can be closed by using the menu and click oven door.
If you have the set of 15 items complete und wish to have it as a copy, (partly) mod version, please pack all the items in one folder and and send it to Karport Resident with a notecard containing your sl name. You will get a copy package within 48 hours in return.
This is an option only for the Roman Bakery Gacha, not for every gacha of Del-ka
Del-ka Aedilis ~ Civitas Series - Bakery @ Mainstore
set includes:
Herb Basket and Pose
I am Wearing:
Head: Lelutka Avalon EvoX Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Body: Maitreya Lara Bento Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Jewels: Lorien Helena Set (Lorien)
Dress: Glyph Cassia Gown (Glyph)
Hair: [Runaway] Andrea Hair Browns (Runaway)
Skin: Glam Affair Bibi Caramel (Glam Affair)
Charge of the Goddess
By Doreen Valiente
Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who of
old was also called Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine,
Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Brig:
and by many other names.
Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month,
and better it be when the Moon be full, then ye shall
assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit
of me, who am Queen of all Witcheries.
There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all
sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets;
to these will I teach things that are yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye
are really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; and ye
shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love,
all in my praise.
For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy
on earth; for my Law is Love unto all beings.
Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it;
let naught stop you or turn you aside.
For mine is the secret door which opens upon the
Land of Youth, and mine is the cup of the Wine of Life,
and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the
Holy Grail of immortality.
I am the Gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy
unto the heart. Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the
spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace and
freedom and reunion with those who
have gone before.
Nor do I demand sacrifice, for behold I am the Mother
of all Living, and my love is poured our upon the earth.
Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, she in the dust
Of whose feet are the hosts of heaven; whose body
encircleth the Universe; I, who am the beauty of the
green earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and
the mystery of the waters, and the heart’s desire,
call unto thy soul. Arise and come unto me.
For I am the Soul of Nature, who giveth live to the
universe; from me all things proceed, and unto me
must all things return; and before my face beloved of
gods and mortals, thine inmost divine self shall be
unfolded in the rapture of infinite joy.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for
behold; all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals, And
therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and
compassion, honour and humility, mirth
and reverence within you.
And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy
seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou
know this mystery; that if that which thou seekest thou
findest not within thee, thou wilt never
find it without thee.
For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning;
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.
Blessed be, so moot it be
ND/MD Nirma Designs ~ Xia BOM Lelutka EvoX
Free Xia eyes + white Eyebrow tattoo incl.
Body skins available for:
Legacy, Maitreya +Petite, Inithium, Belleza, Slink, Signature
+Flat chest add-on
Pose Used ~ Girls Dual Pose 21b
Dress: Belle Epoque Priestess Gown (Belle Epoque)
Hair: #CHAIN - Cailyn Hair (Access)
Earrings: E.Marie Kestra Earrings (E.Marie)
Body Embers: Static Fae Embers (Static)
Crown: Just Yaska/Angel Forehead (Just Yaska)
A Slice of Night
Serve me up a slice of night
Upon a midnight dish.
A mesmerising,dark dessert,
A rich,delicious wish.
Bathed in moonlight,dusted in dusk.
Star soaked,dense and deep.
Serve me up a slice of night
as I drift off to sleep.
Julie Anna Douglas
Dragon Magick Wares ~ Hermione's Cottage @ Uber Hometown June 18th - July 16th
Set includes:
Gold/Pastel/Pink/Rainbow/Static White/White 2 versions
Glitter Dust
[Harshlands] Meadow Set (with animated grass)
[Harshlands] Animated Meadow Grass - Purple
[Harshlahds] Meadow Flowers - Yellow
[Harshlahds] Meadow Flowers - Red
[Harshlahds] Meadow Flowers - Pink
Photo Location ~ Ash Falls
Dragon Magick Wares ~ Myra Cottage @ SL18B Shop & Hop June 17th to July 6th
New Exclusive Release at SL18B Shop & Hop June 17th to July 6th! Mesh 1 room cottage with a star theme thru out the house, only 25 prims, copy/mod and a footprint of about 10x15. EVERYTHING at my booth is 30% off!! Be sure to grab your gift too!!
Photo Location ~ Lost Unicorn ~ A Unicorn Forest Sanctuary
Photo Location ~ Mermaid Cove ~
Nuve ~ Ava skin + brows - Evo X @ Mainstore
Skin single pack full version:
✓ 3 Skin tones (3 packs + Fat pack available for purchase – Nordic, Light, Medium)
– Tan pack is a VIP group gift
✓ Face – eyebrows and browless version
✓ Body skin
✓ Hide nipples option (to be able to wear nipples from your body HUD or 3rd party
BOM nipples
✓ Nipple fix for Maitreya body (the body comes with Legacy nipples by default)
✓ Shape for Lelutka Evolution Fleur
✓ Eyebrows shape
Matching ears layer for Evo X included
Pose Used ~
From this slumber
She shall wake
When True Love's Kiss
The spell shall break...
Lumae ~ Lofn Skin @ Mainstore
Gown Legacy
Gown Maitreya
Pose & Prop Used ~
Boudoir ~ Awakening @ We <3 Roleplay
Rock with flowers & Pose
I am Wearing:
Head: Catwa Tala Bento Mesh head (Catwa)
Body: Maitreya Lara Bento Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Hair: Truth Fire Rare Hair (Truth)
Circlet: Nord Embel'lys La Reine Celte White Gold Circlet (Nord Embel'lys)
Del-Ka Aedilis ~ Tavern & Inn "Laketown" with docknew & exclusive with 25% off @ Redeux June 14th - 21st
The tavern is a new great building from our LAKETOWN series. The building fits to any medieval, gor or fantasy setting. Two taprooms are located on the lower floor, on the second floor are two more rooms, which can be used e.g. as a inn room. The large attic can be reached by a ladder.
The building rests on stilts and has its own dock with two jetties. Entrances are on the land and on the sea side. The stilts and dock can be easily removed with some building and editing skills. This makes sense, for example, if you want to use the tavern on a land-only sim and save a few prims
LI = 97 prims
Footprint = 22 x 16 m (tavern) + dock
Del-ka Aedilis ~ Laketown Tavern Table Set new & exclusive with 25& off @ Redeux Event, June 14th - 21st
copy, mod
original mesh, Materials enabled for Advanced Lighting
Table 1 Land Impact
Bench 2 LI (please do not remove the shadow or change the size, for the has an effect on the animations)
Two people per bench:
9 Female Anims
9 Male Anims
including drink, eat & playing cards
cards and wooden cups get triggered by animation if you allow to attach props to your avatar
There is a single sit bench with only 1LI available at the group gift section at our mainstore.
Del-Ka Aedilis ~ Tavern & Inn Medieval Dishes new & exclusive with 25& off @ Redeux Event, June 14th - 21st