Sunday, September 4, 2022

Misty Morning at the Faire.....


Going To The Renaissance Faire

Going to the Renaissance Faire has thrown my spirit back

to noble pursuits of romance, adventure, magick acts

and rediscover mankind's family tree, ancient roots,

if only for eight hours of no phones, computers or suits

Lords and Ladies, crowned Kings and Queens,

I'm still naive as to what old English means

armored knights in chainmail, swords of cold steel,

how charming things seemed, so frighteningly real

those essentials they're so desperately lacking

clean privies, portable Johnnys send me packing

I long to take a peaceful dump out in the woods,

to savor ethnic flavors, quaint handcrafted goods

ah, the heavenly scent of fully blossomed red roses,

foul stenches carried on the air, wafted by our noses

voluptuous wenches in tightly bound bodices, bosoms pert,

unevenly paved roads of gravel, sand, stones and dirt

upon my weekend travels I've seen many wonderful new sights,

how fast feudal life unravels, men plunder villages and unite

brave war heroes, meek women and children, slaves long unfree,

fight for human rights, not quite what it's cracked up to be

coy sages are enchanting in their mystically hexing ways,

lusty female parts performed on stage by young boys and gays

where a doting heart is truer in the eyes of the beholder,

Shakespeare wrote pages of perplexing, dreamy plays to smolder

fair unchaste maidens await to surprise unwedded lovers,

disgraced preachers secretly made out under silky bedcovers

great bardic tales of yore, setting poetic rhymes to song,

sexist lies and treachery, everyone knew where they belong

of a warrior's faults, the royal court Jester fools,

an age of chivalry, loyalty and duty, honor still rules

beauty existed around even monarchs or peasant folks,

such a hard life, yet they made time for bawdy jokes

Today I give thanks for all those blessings I've got,


living in a solemnly dark medieval world, there wasn't alot

dank days of sexism, evil, and treachery still abound,

but now we can add laziness to our common battle ground

Written July 21st, 2002 © 20 years ago, Sheryl Marcia Schwartz

Del-ka Aedilis ~ The Medieval Market - Hedeby Cheesemaker Stall @ We Love Roleplay Event 

WE LOVE ROLE-PLAY starts every month on the
​4th at 12 PM SLT and runs through till the 28

New & exclusive for We love Role-Play Event in September 

Set includes:

copy,mod/3 wood tones,

set as shown 4li:tent,table,crates & barrel

Original Mesh Advanced lighting enabled

Del-ka Aedilis ~ The Medieval Market - Hedeby Clothmaker Stall @ Mainstore

Set includes:

copy,mod/3 wood tones

set shown 5LI:tent,table,crates&baskets

original mesh

Advanced lighting enabled

Pose Used *Eternal Dream* True Lady

Photo Location ~ Lost Unicorn

 I am Wearing:

Head: Lelutka Prim EvoX Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)

Body: Maitreya Lara 5.3 Bento Mesh Body (Maitreya)

Hair: Raven Bell Skye Hair (Raven Bell)

Dress: Silvan Moon SMD Blood and Wine Druid Gown (Silvan Moon Designs)

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