The fog gathers,
thick around my ankles,
the path seems to fade...
the Forest,Flowers,Streams,Fairies,
Cenataurs all seem to shimmer around the edges,
like a bubble on the verge of collapse,
The Faire Appears and it Disappears such is the way of things
but be certain tho it is fading into the mists,
It may be Gone but Never Forgotten ..
And will return again soon.....
All good things must come to an end and it is with sadness we see it go Fantasy Faire will Close its gates tonight at Midnight SLT (Tho parts remain open Thornfast for one so people questing have time to finish and be rewarded!)I hope every one had as wonderful a time this year as I did and I am so proud of what we raised for Relay for Life.So until the next time the gates open and we gather in comradery Merry Part and Blessed Be....
-Elemental- ~'Kara' Fantasy Skin Appliers (Pink) @ Fantasy Faire April 18th - May 5th Tp to Elemental's stand here on the moody and mysterious 'Twilight Springs' sim
Set includes:
Catwa Catya Shape
Maitreya Head Applier
Belleza body Applier
Omega Body Applier
Catwa Head Applier
Eye Makeup
-Elemental- ~ 'Magic' Animated Mesh Eyes @ We Love Roleplay
Set includes:
Eyes L&R
:Shiva: ~ Anisoptera Dawn Wings @ Fantasy Faire April 18th - May 5th

Set includes:
Small Wings(Double/Single (Backward & Forward)
Medium Wings (Double/Single Backward & Forward)
Large Wings (Double/Single Backward & Forward)
Boudoir ~ Coco ~ New Store Release

Set Includes:
Floral Headpiece
Hip Flowers
Mesh Dress Maitreya
Mesh Dress Slink
Mesh Dress Slink Hourglass
Panties Maitreya
Panties Slink
Right Nipple Cover
Poses Used ~
Kirin Pose Store - Hanami Pose & Props Pack
FOXCITY. ~ Fairytale Pose
Photo taken in Fantasy Faire Region The Celestial Plain
THE CELESTIAL PLAIN Sponsored by Elysion.
The Celestial Plain (Syn Beresford)
The home for the Fairechylde, our beloved dragon-borne party ship. This is where the majority of the DJ-parties and activities will take place.
I am Wearing:
Body: Maitreya Lara Bento Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head: Catwa Tala Bento Mesh Head (Catwa)
Hair: .Olive. Erika Hair (.Olive.)
Ears: Mandala Mesh Ears (Mandala)
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