Hello all most of you do not know me.I am ArwennEvenstarUndomiel,Chrissy to my friends.I have many reasons I Relay.One of which was My Paternal Grandmother and several of her Sisters were taken from this Earth due to one form or another of Cancer.This of course was hard on Me and My Family.
Well this past year in February I had a scare of My own.After Many Many MANY doctor visits with what they called Sinusitis.The loss of hearing in My left ear.It took one amazing ENT doctor to really listen to me and say ok something is not right to find what this was and suggested I do and MRI.I did the test but did not hear anything for 2 weeks thinking everything was ok.I then had a follow up appointment and had the floor pulled out from under me.I was diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma also know as a vestibular schwannoma.Which Thanks be to God was not Cancer.However it was behind my left ear drum pressing on My balance center.This is what caused me to go deaf in my Left ear and I was constantly dizzy and had no balance.
I was Also told that these can grow albeit slowly.But when they do they will cause more major problems from seizures to stroke.So I was ultimately left with a very scary problem with only 3 options (1.Radiation 2.Surgery or 3.Observation).
Radiation would melt everything together tumor nerves and all which would make it impossible to separate.Observation was a we will wait and see and HOPE it doesn't grow and Surgery was of course MAJOR Surgery.After much thinking and talking to close friends and family and crying and asking why this was happening to me.I decided to do the surgery.My surgery was scheduled for August 8th.Now remember this was so I had all those months to worry and fret about what was going to happen but still did not have details on what the surgery would entail.My Husband watched all kinds of youtube videos on the procedure but I could not bring myself to watch them.
August 8th finally came and I had to go in for the surgery.I am a very nervous person on a normal basis.So you could definitely say I was freaking out asked them to give me something to calm me down and thankfully they did.I do not remember much after that.I was told the surgery took 8 1/2 hours.My family was pacing the waiting room floor.I was in the hospital for 4 days.I found out the docters had drilled into my skull,removed the tumor (supposedly all of it) and replaced the bone flap and covered it with a titanium plate and screws.I had a wicked scar behind my left ear in the shape of a half moon.I am healing well and more quickly then expected BUT I have Major Headache which mimmick Migraines.I will have to deal with this for about a year or 2 years I hope.
All this being said is Why I Relay.These Cancers and even Cancer scares like I had need to be stopped and I hope that with the efforts we do at the faire will make a dent in them.I know this may be a bit long winded but I do hope my story will be of help to someone.Be Safe and Have a Happy Faire.The Queen's Healing Garden give me hope :)

!!!SMD!!! Silvan Moon Designs ~ Fantasy Faire 2020 Quest Outfit @ Fantasy Faire

Set includes:
Dress (Slink/Maitreya)
Vest (Slink/Maitreya)
Apron (Slink/Maitreya)
Sandals (Slink/Maitreya)
Egozy ~ Jolie (Genus Project)

Set Includes:
For Faces : • 3 Brows (Dark,Med,Light) + No Brows
For Body (Sold Separetly) on Marketplace or in World:
• 2 Cleavages (Maitreya,Belleza,Slink & Omega)
• Body Appliers (Maitreya,Belleza,Slink & Omega)
Pose Used ~ Stardust -Magic
Photo Location ~ Queensgarden ~ Sponsored by The NeoVictoria Project ~
I am Wearing:
Body: Maitreya Lara Bento Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head: Genus Project Strong VIP Gift (Genus Project)
Hair: {Limerence} Aleksa Hair (Gachaland)
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