Saturday, August 31, 2024

Magic in Fairy Tales......

Tessa F Apr 2013
Almost everything in the fairytales turned out to be true:
Horrible witches, nasty curses, dark demons, and guarded fortresses.
But princesses?
I thought they were figments of our imaginations.
And yet little girls read storybooks religiously, dreaming of winning over the Prince Charming.
Well ladies, you can keep your pristine and spotless princes.
I know where love and honour truly lies.

It is in the dragon's keep,
Where she is locked away and hidden.
The walls of her own heart blocking everyone out,
Burning everyone down who dared face her inner dragon.

But there is determination running through his veins,
Bravery in every bead of sweat,
A fighter's honour gleaming in his eyes.
Breaking down the barriers to find a damsel in distress, he did the strongest thing:
Held the wretch in his arms.
A soldier with the ability to find perfection in the weakest of souls.

My knight in ***** turnout gear,
The firefighter who discovered a princess.
My love who proved the reality of fairytales,
And found our happily ever after.

This round of Enchantment will be fading into the mists very soon! Don't miss this round or the hunt!!!So many wonderful items to get ♥

Set includes:
Brow Shape
Erika Zero X Shape
GenX Shape
LaraX Shape

Set Includes:
Available in Black/Brown/Cyan/Green/Purple/Red

Set Includes:
Available in Black/Brown/Cyan/Green/Purple/Red

Set Includes:
Available in Black/Brown/Cyan/Green/Purple/Red

           I am Wearing:
Head: Lelutka Avalon EvoX Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Body: Legacy Bento Mesh Body (Legacy)
Skin:Deetalez *Crystal* Celtic (Deetalez)
Hair: Raven Bell Ethiel Hair (Raven Bell)
Wings: 1 Hundred Fallen Angel Wings (1 Hundred)
Body Aura: **CC**Cole's Corner Eternal Flaming Aura (Cole's Corner)
Hand Sparkles: **CC**Cole's Corner Valkyrie Hand Gold (Cole's Corner)

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