Hello all My Name is Christie Bryant (ArwennEvenstarUndomiel on Second life)I have been blogging for 14 Years now.I got started as just a fun way to spend time and show off the gorgeous items from various Gacha events.I Began My Second Life as a Designer and Still am but I quickly became discouraged and a dear friend of mine suggested I begin Blogging.And it has become a new love of mine.I am very thankful for my friend's advice and encouragement.
Monday, March 29, 2021
I hold the Power of the Stars.....
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Up Up and Away in My Beautiful Balloon....
The 5th Dimension
Truly Outrageous Fashion Snow @ Gala Fair MAR 10 - 30
Snow was inspired by my favorite mermaid cosplayer and Disneybounder, Traci Hines! Traci also inspired me to create my Belle Ballgown, but I know that I will have more to come from this amazing person!
You can buy Snow Outfit in the following ways:
✔ Individual: You get to choose from any of our 30 colors. You get the outfit only!
✔ Fatpack: You get to Fatpack HUD with 30 colors. You get the outfit only!
✔ Minipack: You get a Minipack HUD with 24 Snow White inspired Textures. You get the outfit only!
✔ Megapack: You get the fatpack and Minipack HUD in this option. Snow Shoes will be included with the Outfit!
This outfit is rigged for Maitreya Original, Belleza Freya Perky, Legacy Original, Legacy Perky, Slink Hourglass, Kupra and Love Body Aphrodite.
Alpha Masks not included auto alpha masks in this outfit.So please alpha out what is needed using your HUD.
Kupra and Love Body included custom alpha maps! You get 3 of them! A full body, upper body only and a lower body only! These options are there in case you want to use the top or pants with anything else you might have in your closet!
Love Body: Please make sure to click the alpha section in your body HUD for the alpha layer to work!
Truly Outrageous Fashions ~Snow Shoes @ Ebento Mar 11-31
You can buy Snow Shoes in the following ways:
✔ Individual: You get to choose from any of our 30 colors. You get the shoes only!
✔ Fatpack: You get to Fatpack HUD with 30 colors. You get the shoes only!
✔ Minipack: You get a Minipack HUD with 24 Snow White inspired Textures. You get the shoes only!
✔ Megapack: You get the fatpack and Minipack HUD in this option. Snow Outfit will be included with the Shoes!
These shoes are rigged for Maitreya, Belleza, Legacy, Slink, Kupra and Love Body Aphrodite.
Photo Location ~ Backdrop City ~ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Backdrop%20City/194/47/3084
I am Wearing:
Head: Lelutkla Evolution EvoX CEYLON Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Body: Legacy Perky Bento Mesh Body (Legacy)
Hair: Wasabi // Daphne Mesh Hair (Wasabi)
Earrings: Little Fish ~LF~ Zara (Lelutka EvoX Elf) (MP)
Friday, March 26, 2021
Mystic's Gaze
Your eyes are stars at night
a milli0n fireflies swimming
in the dark as I gaze at you,
A summer night breezes through
when you look me in the eyes
Lumae ~ Amesha Sulphur Lelutka Evolution Fantasy Skin @ Mainstore
Skin Includes
-- BOM Skins for Maitreya, LeLutka, Belleza and Slink
The Bom Skins are full skins and include the head texture with the Dark Brow option already on the skin.
-- BOM Tattoos for No Brow Options
-- Head Appliers using LeLutka Scripting
-- Body Appliers for Maitreya, LeLutka, Belleza and Slink
-- Shape that is shown on the vendor ad.
The body is generic but works reasonably well with Maitreya and Legacy.
-- Style Card
There are no Omega options or Classic Skin options.
There are no ear appliers or ears included. These may come at a later date.
Pose Used ~ Photoshoot Clauds
Photo Location ~ Cerridwens Cauldron
I am Wearing:
Head: Lelutka Ceylon Evo X Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Body: Legacy Perky Bento Mesh Body (Legacy)
Dress: Una Estela Black (Una)
Eyes: rotten.love powered eyes (Rotten)
Hair:Pr!tty Aliya Windy (Pr!tty)
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Crisp Spring Morning @ Triple Goddess House....
~Maiden, Mother, Crone~ Her many phases, many names Triple Goddess Maiden, Mother, Crone Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother, Teacher, A part of us all At once young and old She is here Maiden, Mother, Crone Ever-young and fresh as dew Innocent girl beginning life Young and full of promise She is here Maiden, Mother, Crone Bountiful mother giving her love Nurturing all in her arms Ripe and full of nourishment She is here Maiden, Mother, Crone Old woman watching in the night Knowing secrets of all souls Old and full of experience She is here Maiden, Mother, Crone One is Three Three are One Maiden, Mother, Crone Call to Her, listen too She is here Maiden, Mother, Crone
by Julie Carriker
Dragon Magick Wares ~ Triple Goddess House
Set includes:
House 2 BD
House 3 BD
Dragon Magick Wares ~ Mandala Cabinet
New Release for Green Freaks Gridwide Hunt and Sale, March 14 to March 28. This lucky guy and 5 other green items are 40% off. So you can get him for 60L until the 28th.
Other Decor Used :
3rd eye perceptions ~ Flowering Grass
PPK :: The Village Gacha - Fountain
Una ~ Book Path
[DDD] ~ Dysfunctionality ~ [DDD] Twinkling Ivy
Mistique ~ Romantic Tree with Birds
TLG - The Beasts Lair Fountain
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
The Wiccan Way...
Bide the Wiccan Laws we must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live and let live. Fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about to keep the evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the Witches' Rune.
Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out the baneful rune.
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to her, times two.
When the moon rides at her peak, then your hearts desire seek.
Heed the North wind's mighty gale, lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West, departed souls will have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed you'll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned to Yule, light the log and the Horned One
Heed ye flower, Bush and Tree, by the Lady, blessed be.
Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone and truth you'll know.
When ye have a true need, hearken not to others' greed.
With a fool no season spend, lest ye be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law you should, three times bad and three times
When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on thy brow.
True in love ever be, lest thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye
Dragon Magick Wares ~ Witches Cabinet
New Release for Mournful Monday out now! You can get this dark and magical cabinet for 75L with the 25% off discount.
Dragon Magick Wares ~ Elements Candle
New Release and VIP Group Gift!! 1L to join group and this can be yours for free. Just in time to place on your altar for Ostara on the 20th. Hues of teal fading into purple. Animated text with a color changing glow. Candle flame can be turned off by touch.
Extra Decor Used:
Scene Used ~ Come Soon Poses ~ Brida Full Scene
Scroll ~ Alchemists Gacha scrolls purple (MP)
Cauldron ~ LiViD : Witches Tea Party_Medium Cauldron Planter
I am Wearing:
Head: Lelutka Evo X Ceylon Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Body: Legacy Perky Bento Mesh Body (Legacy)
Hair: Tableau Vivant Witch Way (Tableau Vivant)
Skin: Psycho Pills Faye Skin (Psycho Pills)
Dress: G Field Halloween Witch Dress (MP)
Aura: Cole's Corner Wicked Witch Heatwave (*CC*)
Collar: Ama Witchy Collar (Ama)
Monday, March 15, 2021
A Maiden Waits.....
I clasp my arms over ~
my heart anticipating.
Expectations of my love so true ~
why are all my loving dreams hesitating?
Can he have changed his promise ~ his boyishly innocent mind?
What answers will Love provide for me ~
in its twisted anguished time?
The dreams of Love and he and I ~
are reflected in my winsome dreamy eyes.
I sit here on the terrace praying to God ~
that he will grant me love so true.
If I'm abandoned ~ broken hearted ~
what else can I do?
So I wait with faith in his trothed love.
He is the only one I can possibly dream of.
True love has only one path ~ no debating ~
Here I sit, heart in hand ~ maiden waiting.
ND/MD ~ MIA head skins for BOM for Lelutka Evolution & Genus Heads SKIN FAIR 2021 EXCLUSIVES
Tones: Milk/Blush/Pale/Cream/Light/Mid/Fawn/Tan/Tawny/Deep
10 skin tone shades from white to a darker tan. Bodies will be available for Maitreya +petite +flat, Lelutka, Kupra, Belleza, Signature Alice and Slink.
Plus a NO nipple tattoo.
The head skins will include 3 brow options: NO brows, natural brows and 3 white brow tattoos.
Skins will be with or without freckles!

BOM Eyes (Blue/Green/Grey/Moss/Ocean/Pale/Sea/Stone)
ND/MD ~ Mia short shapes SKIN FAIR 2021 EXCLUSIVES

created for Lelutka Lilly evolution head (best with Legacy mesh body)
Shapes available in Short/Thick+Short/Slender+Short
***head skins, body skins, shapes and eyes are all sold separately!***
Nuve ~ Crystal Make-up Minipack VIP Group Gift @ Mainstore
Set includes:
BOM Lip Tint Pink (Tintable)-Lel Evolution
BOM Simple Eyeliner-Lel Evolution
Poses Used ~ Stardust - Rosie
Head: Lelutka Evolution Lilly Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Body: Legacy Perky Bento Mesh Body (Legacy)
Ears: Swallow Crossover Elf Ears (Swallow)
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Wind (Truth)
Tiara: C&F AlmaTari Elf Queen Ferronnier (We <3 Roleplay)
Rose Headband: C&F Tari Roses Headband - Cream Rose (We <3 Roleplay)
Dress: C&F Elf Queen Skirt Cream Roses (We <3 Roleplay)
Monday, March 8, 2021
Lay Me Down on a Bed of Roses...
At this old piano
Trying hard to capture
The moment this morning I don't know
And some blonde gave me nightmares
Think that she's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They won't make of me when I'm dead
I wake up and french kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps its own beat in my head
While we're talking
About love, the truth, what you mean to me
And the truth is
Baby you're all that I need
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
Oh I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses
Each step that I take is on my way home
A king's ransom in dimes, I'd give each night
To see through this payphone
Or it's hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you
I'll just close my eyes and whisper
"Baby, blind love is true"
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
Oh I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses
The barkeeper's wig's crooked
And she's giving me the eye
Well I might have said yeah
But I laughed so hard I think I died
Ooh yeah
Know I'll be thinking about you
While my mistress she calls me
To stand in her spotlight again
But you know that don't mean I'm not lonely
I've got nothing to prove
For it's you that I'd die to defend
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down
On a bed of roses
Nuve ~ Crystal skin – Lelutka Evolution Coming soon to Skin Fair
You can try DEMO IN-WORLD. LM to the Skin Fair will be revealed soon.
✓ 3 Skin tones (5 packs + Fat pack available for purchase – Nordic, Light, Medium, Tan, Dark)
✓ Face – eyebrows and browless version
✓ Body skin
✓ Hide nipples option (to be able to wear nipples from your body HUD or 3rd party BOM nipples
✓ Nipple fix for Maitreya body (the body comes with Legacy nipples by default)
✓ Cooling filter – If you prefer colder skin tones, wear this filter above your skin and ✓ under your make-up
✓ Shape for Lelutka Evolution Fleur
✓ Eyebrows shape
Eyebrows contents:
✓ Black eyebrows version + 5 tintabl colors
✓ Eyebrow shaper for Lilly Evolution head
Lipstick contents:
✓ 10 lipstick colors in package of your choosing (light or dark pack)
Photo Location ~ Lost Unicorn,A Unicorn Forest Sanctuary ~
Prop Used ~ Boudoir -Valentine Photo Prop Pink
Sunday, March 7, 2021
May the Gods guide My Sword to Victory....
Hello this is BobbyBlueBland I am ArwennEvenstar's Partner in Second Life and Real Life.I have taken over her blog for this one post to show this amazing set from ,Viki,
I Love all Roman or Spartan Items and this set is no exception.It is at We <3 Roleplay and I am very thankful to the creator for letting Me blog it for her.
.Viki. ~ Claudio Armor Set Fatpack @ We <3 Roleplay March 4th -31st
Cape with Belt
Available in sizes Belleza/Signature/Slink in Fat pack or Single pack
.Viki. ~ Claudio Upper Armor @ We <3 Roleplay March 4th -31st

Available in sizes Belleza/Signature/Slink
.Viki. ~ Metal Bracers @ We <3 Roleplay March 4th -31st

Bobby is Wearing:
Body: Belleza Jake Bento Mesh Body (Belleza)
Head: Lelutka Evo Alain Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Hair: *Argrace* Gaku (Argrace)
Boots: Male Gladiator Boots
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins GAV Earth (7 deadly skins)