Hello all My Name is Christie Bryant (ArwennEvenstarUndomiel on Second life)I have been blogging for 14 Years now.I got started as just a fun way to spend time and show off the gorgeous items from various Gacha events.I Began My Second Life as a Designer and Still am but I quickly became discouraged and a dear friend of mine suggested I begin Blogging.And it has become a new love of mine.I am very thankful for my friend's advice and encouragement.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
I wait for You on a Bed of Roses...
I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
For tonight I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses
(Excerpt Bon Jovi Bed of Roses)
Lumae have been added to The Avenue .. a small sales event that allows designers to put
out pre-existing items for a discounted price.
The event runs from the 1st of March - 26th March.
For this event, I have decided to put out the Yulia Skin for LeLutka Heads for 50% discount.
This skin is available in 10 tones and includes:
* LeLutka Head Appliers
* Body appliers for Maitreya, Belleza, SLink, Omega and TMP (regular and no nipple versions)
* AMD Baby Bump appliers
* Ear appliers for LOGO, Soul Uni and Bentbox Ears
* Lumae Leevi ears in 3 sizes and matching tones
* A set of Lipsticks to fit Yulia
* FACELESS system skins / cleavage layers
* Regular and Bento modifyable shapes
The skins are priced at 245L .. this price is ONLY at this event and will not be the price in
the Lumae main store.
Lumae:Yulia Lelutka-T7-Nutmeg
Set Includes:
No Nipples Appliers & Layers
Body Hud
TMP Body
Ear Appliers
Leevi Ears 3 sizes
Lelutka Head Applier
Bento Shape
Classic top/Tattoo layers(Cleavage,Freck Cleavage,Freckle Pushup,Push up)
Avarage Shape 5ft10in
Belleza Shape 5ft10in
Curves 5ft10in
curves 5ft10in taller
faceless-T7-Nutmeg/For Mesh Head only
faceless-T7-Nutmeg/For Mesh head only/Freck
Valentine Photo Prop Boudoir
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Chloe Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Hair: *Argrace* Akane-Coppers (MP)
I Love You to the Moon and Back!
All My dreams have come to Be
All My Love I give to Thee
To Touch My Heart and Soul you have the knack
I Love You to the Moon and Back!
Christie Bryant(ArwennEvenstarUndomiel)2017
Emberotic's Fashion Design Harness the Beast within
Set Includes:
Hud(8 Dress/ Harness Textures)
Dress/Harness (Freya,Isis,Venus,Maitreya,TMP,Mesh XXS-L)
Circa Kiss Me Room Collection SWANK
Set includes:
"Free Love"Area Rug (Black/Grey,Grey/Char,Red/Black,Red/Grey)
"Free Love"Hanging Hearts on rings -Red
"Kiss Me"Curtains (Red Satin/Black Satin)
"Kiss Me"Sofa PG-Velvet Black(88 poses)
"To The Moon & Back" Hanging Heart (Black,Red)
Vine Motif Strip Left & Right (Red,Snow)
Apple Heart Inc Laced Thigh High Boots w.Hud
Set Includes:
Hud (8 Textures)
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Catwa Lilo Bento Mesh Head (Catwa)
Skin:Glam Affair-Zoella-Jamaica (Glam Affair)
Hair:Besom~Angel (Besom)
Glam Affair,
Monday, February 27, 2017
Did you call me?
Oh Hi!Did you call me?
Posh Pixels Celine Mesh Hair (New Release in Mainstore)
Hud Options:
Wild Ombres
These are Exclusives for 26 February
149th Collection starts 2 PM SL Time.
11 March
Designer Circle 149th round ends 11 March 2 AM SL Time.
Posh Pixels DeeDee Halter Mini
Set includes:
Slink Hourglass
Slink Physique
Dress Hud (6 Textures)
Laced high Boots
Set Includes:
Boot Hud (22 colors )
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Catwa Lilo Bento Mesh Head (Catwa)
Skin-Glam Affair-Zoella-Jamaica (Glam Affair)
Sunday, February 26, 2017
A Shield Maiden to the Bone....
Viking women may not have been physically taught for battle but they see what their fathers or husbands do and learn.And they are more than capable of taking care of themselves!
“There were once women in Denmark who dressed themselves to look like men and spent almost every minute cultivating soldiers’ skills. …They courted military celebrity so earnestly that you would have guessed they had unsexed themselves. Those especially who had forceful personalities or were tall and elegant embarked on this way of life. As if they were forgetful of their true selves they put toughness before allure, aimed at conflicts instead of kisses, tasted blood, not lips, sought the clash of arms rather than the arm’s embrace, fitted to weapons hands which should have been weaving, desired not the couch but the kill…” (Fisher 1979, p. 212).
Oh Valkyrie hear my Prayer...Take this shieldmaiden into Valhalla accept me as one of your own...
If I Were to Die in Battle
By Munin’s Kiss
If I were to die in battle,
Who would invite me home?
Would it be Odin or would it be Freyja,
Whose hall I’d be taken to?
Would Odin want me,
Would I make the cut?
Am I the type he’d want,
To be fighting by his side?
Would Freyja have me,
Would I feast in her halls?
Would she find me worthy,
To lend her my sword?
The two they stand together,
Ready to make the choice,
Him with his initiator,
Her initiator with her.
As the Valkyries fly me closer,
I can’t help but think,
Is it them that make the decision,
Or was it always my choice.
These Lovely items are at the New Round of Genre which is Vikings
Lumae:Catwa-Ruby-T6 Tawny/Gunnr
Set includes:
No Nipples Appliers & Layers
Body Applier Hud
Ear Appliers
Leevi Ears 3 sizes
Catwa Head Applier
Bento Shape Average
Bento Shape Fluffy
Classic top and Tattoo layers (Cleavage,Freckle/Cleavage,Freckle/Pushup,PushUp)
Shape Average [5 ft 10 in]
Belleza Shape [5 ft 10 in]
Curves Shape [5 ft 10 in]
Faceless classic skin for mesh head only
Faceless classic skin for mesh head only/Freck
C&F Aijle Viking Maiden Blue/Rust
Set Includes:
Blouse & leggings Blue-Rust Appliers
Chemise Blue Classic
Leggings Classic
Alpha Half
Gown Alpha Full
Gown Alpha Show Legs/Feet
Mesh XXS-L
Fitmesh S,M,L
Beads S,M,L
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Hair: no.match_~No_Fiction-Reds (Past Hairology)
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Care to Join Me?
I have Married My Prince and tonight is the night we become one.What Joy will that be!I am so Happy and Content!
Entice-Lavender Blue Lingerie
Set Includes:
Bra/Panties (Freya,Hourglass,Isis,Maiteya,Physique)
Hud (10 bra colors/10 Panty/Garter Colors to choose from)
Nacht Settee
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Skin:Lumae:Lelutka-Yulia-T4-Tawny (Lumae)
Friday, February 24, 2017
The Fairy Godmother's Magic....
My Fairy GodMother has given me hope for a better future now All I have to do is Have Faith and Hope that Fate will approve.....
Gizza Cinderella Gown
Set Includes:
Chest part
Flexi Skirt
Magic Wand (With/without particles)
Upper arm l
Upper Arm r
Mesh XXS-L
RunAway Cinderella Hair
Set includes:
Omega Hairbase
System Hairbase
Hud Options(Blondes,Colorful,Browns,Grayscale,Ombres&Roots,Pastel,Reds,Bonus Colors)
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Skin:Lumae:Lelutka-Aurora-T4-Fawn (Lumae)
The Sky is Blue ,
The Flowers Bloom in glory,
The breezes blows thru the trees,
Could it be a more Beautiful Day
Since Love is in the Air,
Mimikri-Fay Off the Shoulder Dress Cotton Candy
Slink Hourglass
Slink Physique
Mesh XXS-M
Yokai-Tale of Cinderella
Crown Rare
Choker Rosy
Earring Lilac
Mouse Pink
No.match_No Dance hair
Set includes:
Face spots
Hairbases System
Hairbases Mesh head appliers(Catwa,Omega,Lelutka,TMP)
Tiara Silver
Tiara Gold
Hair Hud
Ombre Hair Hud
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Skin:alaskametro-kismet-Ivory (alaskametro <3)
Oh My its the Prince..
Oh My is the Prince @.@ Be calm Have Courage and Be Kind.....
Baiastice Danielle Celeste dress
Set Includes:
Slink Physique
Mesh XXS-L
Lower Skirt Hud
Lock&Tuft Ella Hair
Set includes:
Ella (lg)
Ella (Med)
Ella (Sm)
Color Hud 1,2,3
ERSCH Midnight Gacha
Options Include
Rare Wand
Rare Headdress
Rare Hud
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Skin:alaskametro-kismet-Bronze (alaskametro <3)
What do you want HER for?
Oh why
would a fellow want a girl like her, a girl who's merely lovely, why
can't a fellow ever once prefer a girl who's merely me
What's the matter with the man, what's the matter with the man, what's the matter with the man?!?!
(Stepsister's Lament excerpt)
Enfant Terrible Verdanis Gown
Set Includes:
Hourglass/Hud (12 dress colors/5 belt colors/5 studs colors)
Maitreya/Hud (12 dress colors/5 belt colors/5 studs colors)
Hourglass/Hud (12 dress colors/5 belt colors/5 studs colors)
Maitreya/Hud (12 dress colors/5 belt colors/5 studs colors)
*HEXtraordinary*Grey Turtle Dove
Options are:
Turtle Dove Flying
Turtle Dove Standing
White Dove Flying
White Dove Standing
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Blue
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Brown
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Green
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Gray
Bauhaus Movement-Duchess
Turtle Dove Flying
Turtle Dove Standing
White Dove Flying
White Dove Standing
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Blue
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Brown
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Green
Stepsister's Revenge Dove Gray
Bauhaus Movement-Duchess
Options are:
Necklace:Black Gems/Lilac Pearls/White Gems/White Pearls
Crown:Black Gems/Lilac Pearls/White Gems/White Pearls
TKW Tukinowaguma Saarto
Necklace:Black Gems/Lilac Pearls/White Gems/White Pearls
Crown:Black Gems/Lilac Pearls/White Gems/White Pearls
TKW Tukinowaguma Saarto
Set includes:
saarto unrigged
Blondes Hud 1,2,3
Browns 1,2,3
Colors 1,2
Reds Blacks 1,2,3
Alpha Head Layer 1,2,5
saarto unrigged
Blondes Hud 1,2,3
Browns 1,2,3
Colors 1,2
Reds Blacks 1,2,3
Alpha Head Layer 1,2,5
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Skin:alaskametro-kismet-Bronze (alaskametro <3)
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Skin:alaskametro-kismet-Bronze (alaskametro <3)
Dreams Do Come True...
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
UC(United Colors) Cinderella Ballgown
Corset & Skirt
Hud with 8 color choices
TKW Tukinowaguma Saarto
Set includes:
saarto unrigged
Blondes Hud 1,2,3
Browns 1,2,3
Colors 1,2
Reds Blacks 1,2,3
Alpha Head Layer 1,2,5
Naminoke Cinderella Set
Stick Bouquet #B&R
Stick Bouquet #Ble&S
Stick Bouquet #V&R
Stick Bouquet V&S
Corsage #1 #V&S
Corsage #1 #B&R
Corsage #1 Ble&S
Corsage #1 #V&R
Corsage #2 #V&S
Corsage #2 #B&R
Corsage #2 #Ble&s
Corsage #2 #V&R
Veil #1 (Alpha Blend)
veil #1 (Alpha Masking)
Veil #2 (Alpha Blend)
Veil #2 (Alpha Masking)
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Simone Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Skin:alaskametro-kismet-Bronze (alaskametro <3)
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