Airy Respite
[... I can feel its humble goodness. It's in the pinky shadows that only come out when there's sun. And in the rustling of dry, decaying leaves-- a moment of airy respite 'till they pass through to what's next in their slow lives.]
I see sunshine encapsulated in
The rungs of time's branches--
And I am grateful
For the significance that
Temporary things know.
Oh dramatic beings, today
Let's be eased.
Feel the humming of
Sun striking Earth--
It is the most loving blow.
Remember the orcas and
The petals of spring yet to be.
Of our friends and their laughter...
Remember the roots that
Traverse beneath you and me,
And that constant
Slip of the tide...
Our memories are constant--
Indeed you can remember
What you have yet to see.
Dip your skin in this
Day's glory, and wear it so
For as long as it fits.
Europa Apr 2017
-Elemental- ~ Aria Fantasy Skin @ We Love Roleplay
set includes:
Shape [Catwa_Catya_Bento]
[Catwa_Catya_Bento] Brows
Catwa Head Applier
Belleza Body Applier
Maitreya Body Applier
Omega Body Applier
Eye Makeup
Available in Blue/Granite/Ice/LightMer/MerDark/PurpleDark/SoftPink/Summer/Violet
"Zephyr" ~ Medina Gacha @ The Imaginarium
Gacha includes:
Rare Tunic
Rare Bra
Rare Panties
Hand Jewelery
Upper Leg Jewelery
Bottom Leg Jewelery
Wasabi Pills ~ Hibiki Hair
Hair A
Hair B
Decor & Pose
Dyer Maker Animations & Poses ~ Mermaid Rock
I am Wearing:
Body: Maitreya Lara Bento Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head: Catwa Lilly Bento Mesh Head (Catwa)
Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Shiny Elf Ears (Swallow)
Hello all My Name is Christie Bryant (ArwennEvenstarUndomiel on Second life)I have been blogging for 14 Years now.I got started as just a fun way to spend time and show off the gorgeous items from various Gacha events.I Began My Second Life as a Designer and Still am but I quickly became discouraged and a dear friend of mine suggested I begin Blogging.And it has become a new love of mine.I am very thankful for my friend's advice and encouragement.
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