Hold me close,
Kiss me tenderly
feel the glow of the sun
the touch of your hand,
oh the bliss of Romance on the beach.....Christie Bryant 2017
The Avenue which will begin on May 1st and will run until 26th of May.This month Lumae to put out the lighter set of Eirtae Fantasy tones. You can buy these singularly or in a fatpack.
The skins have been reduced from 895L to 425L and the Fatpack is 1995L for all SIX skins.
included are the following :
+ System skins with 3 brow options, 3 cleavage options on tattoo layers and no nipple versions
+ Mesh head appliers for LeLutka, Catwa, LAQ, LOGO, SLink, Omega and TMP
+ Body appliers for Maitreya, Belleza, SLink, Omega and TMP plus Omega Petite Body appliers
+ Appliers for Apple May Baby Bump
+ Ear appliers for BentBox, Logo Ears and Soul Uni Ears
+ Lumae Leevi Ears in 3 sizes in matching tones
+ Modifyable Shapes
Applique Chic Sexy Star Outfit and Heels The Alchemy May 1-14th
Star outfit set includes:
Halter (Ebody,Freya,Isis,Venus,Hourglass,Physique,Maitreya,Tonic fine,Tonic Curvy,XS-XL)
Skirt (Ebody,Freya,Isis,Venus,Hourglass,Physique,Maitreya,Tonic fine,Tonic Curvy,XS-XL)
Hud with 6 textures
Star Sandals include:
Maitreya Mid
Slink High
Slink Mid
Hud with 6 textures
Tameless Hair Syden (Dark Style Fair)
2 color packs: Naturals with all 20 natural colors, and Fantasy with 20 fantasy colors. Each color pack is $249. The Mega Pack with all colors are $399L..
Set includes:
naturals omega hairbases
fantasy omega hairbases
classic hair bases natural and Fantasy
Hud Naturals
Hud Fantasy
Alpha 1,2,3,4
Lush -Savvy Tattoo (Totally Top Shelf)This event starts on the 5th. Its my first time joining.Starts on May 5th - 26th
set includes:
Hud (Lolas Tango,Maitreya,Belleza,Omega Upper,Omega Lower
Lush Mine Pose
rezable pose
male and female action
I am wearing:
Body:Maitreya Lara Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head:Lelutka Chloe Bento Mesh Head (Lelutka)
Hello all My Name is Christie Bryant (ArwennEvenstarUndomiel on Second life)I have been blogging for 14 Years now.I got started as just a fun way to spend time and show off the gorgeous items from various Gacha events.I Began My Second Life as a Designer and Still am but I quickly became discouraged and a dear friend of mine suggested I begin Blogging.And it has become a new love of mine.I am very thankful for my friend's advice and encouragement.
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