Thousands and Thousands of years ago
deep down in Hell,
the Devil made a mirror,
The Devil gave this beautiful mirror
to the 4 seasons,
So that they could admire their work,
And when the Spring stood in front of
the mirror,
It reflected the essence of her season
and the promise of life,
And so it was for Summer and Autumn,
And when the Winter stood in front of
the mirror ,
the world was reflected cold and covered
in snow,
and that was as it should be,
for each season has its power and time
and there was harmony,
but the Devil had made the mirror twisted,
So that as Winter gazed at her own face,
She longed to be Queen of the seasons,
and one day She stole the mirror,
and took it to the arctic wastes for herself,
Now, She was the Snow Queen,
and the world was a colder place,
but not cold enough for her ,
because Autumn Spring and Summer still existed
however diminished,
So she took the mirror and flew up with it
into the sky,
To demand of Heaven itself that Winter should
rule the Earth unchallenged,
but as she approached Heaven,
The mirror shook and shook,
as if Good and Evil were wrestling for control,
when the pieces fell to earth and flew round and round,
until they flew into peoples eyes,
when those people looked at the world,
they saw it as Cold and Ugly,
and each winter She began to roam the Earth,
looking for all the missing pieces,
dreaming that one day she would be
able to put the mirror back together
and again become all powerful.....
Let the whole world be as I am,
Let Winter Rule Always the Snow Queen Says......
!!SMD!! Silvan Moon Designs ~ Selenia of Galacia Gown Set ~ Ice
@ We Love Role Play Exclusive-December 4th, 2018
Set includes:
Fur (Classic/Hourglass/Maitreya/Slink)
Gown (Classic/Hourglass/Maitreya/Slink)
Neck Fur Unrigged
!!!SMD!! Silvan Moon Designs ~ Selenia of Galatia Gown ~ Icy Pearls add-on
Special 50L Add on Pack for Selenia of Galatia Gown Collection-Available exclusively at We Love Role Play-December 4th, 2018

Set includes:
Icy Pearls Add-on XXS-L
Go&See ~ *Birdy* Albi Genus
Set includes:
Genus Applier
Omega Body Applier
Photo Location ~ Baja Norte ~
Pose Used ~ Fashiowl Poses ~ Fawn Gacha
I am Wearing:
Body: Maitreya Lara Bento Mesh Body (Maitreya)
Head: Genus Project Baby Face Bento Mesh Head (Genus Project)
Hair: Truth ~ Bloom (Truth)
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